
Gender: ???

Pronouns: he/him

Age: 17


Birthday: March

Favorite Food: cotton candy grapes or meat

Favorite Drink: water

Favorite Color: red/black

Favorite Weather: tragic weather that could kill someone or a (??? we told him not to say this?? we censored it.)

Favorite Possession: QD or my shark plushie

Vera is more or less a loner. He spends lots of his time in his room or with QD... in her room. When he is out, Kindle has usually already latched onto him and has been dragging him around and causing distruptions for a good time by then. Usually, Vera does not get along with the others. He's always in some argument or saying something rude. That's just how he is, though... try telling that to Rhine. This is partially because he's got the definition of 'likable person' as 'makes jokes-- funny ones-- all the time'. Sometimes the truth is uncomfortable, and people laugh when they're uncomfortable. Vera Science 101. No matter what he says, he's still incredibly reliable in all matters physical, like fighting. Maybe just fighting. Please don't take that the wrong way. I'll let you in on a secret, too... he's great at giving hugs and comforting people. Try it out! Also, please don't touch his hair. Thank you from the maintenance team.

About Vera...

Ammi: He's awesome! I'm not gonna say anything else.

Hira: Vera's a nice name, isn't it?

Jay: He looks at me like he's gonna rip my arm off, but that's just how he normally looks. I can't shake the feeling, though.

Kindle: The only thing we'll EVER agree on is grape flavor!! Hey, now replace the "gr" with "v"!!! But, uh, yeah, Vera's mean!!!! Well, not really, I KINDA like him, but it's not really entir-- (we cut her off there.)

QD: I like Vera.

Rhine: Rude, rude, rude, mostly rude, a general public indecency, can't change for anything, and is never serious. It's insane.
