
Gender: F

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 36


Birthday: August 31st

Favorite Food: I'm not picky

Favorite Drink: I'm not picky

Favorite Color: They're basically all illusions

Favorite Weather: It's a natural cycle there's nothing to love about it

Favorite Possession: I'm not materialistic

Rhine is strong-willed and extremely determined. A perfectionist since the moment she was born, she always does her work efficiently and effectively. Everyone seems to rely on her and all her talents. If 'jack of all trades but master of none' actually said 'master of all', that would be Rhine. Every second of her life is dedicated to learning and researching. There's absolutely nothing she can't do. Still, she's quite cold-- and scary looking-- and evil-- like, 'killed lots of people' evil-- but... let's say she's completely past that now! If she gives you a mean look, it's probably nothing. If she says something bad about you, it's her ego. If she won't say sorry to you, just know she's still being sincere.

About QD...

Ammi: She knows what I know through sheer force. Creepy, but I wanna be like her someday.

Hira: Stressful and stressed out, but she cares about everyone more than they know. It's sweet.

Jay: I can tell her anything, especially personal matters. She understands.

Kindle: SHE'S ALWAYS NAGGING ME!!! She tells me parent stuff like Jay tells me, but more forceful and angry!!!!

QD: Willing to do anything for her own personal gain, but also willing to do anything for everyone else. She's changed since we met! I wanna help her out!

Vera: I hate her.
