Gender: F

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 17


Birthday: June

Favorite Food: the potatoes I make all the time

Favorite Drink: a smoothie, maybe something lighter

Favorite Color: rainbow

Favorite Weather: sunny

Favorite Possession: my sword

QD is a great friend. She's willing to do lots for her friends, taking pride in making sure everyone gets along. She does tend to joke around quite a bit, but she means well. An optimist at heart, she'll be the person you ask for advice or for help with all sorts of situations-- all delivered with a positive message of hope! QD tends to doubt her abilities as she constantly compares herself to Ammi. Although she isn't perfect, she still strives to do her best. This sometimes worries her. She's also constantly battling her love-hate relationship with change. Either way, she loves to butt into fun legends and myths and circulate some about herself wherever she tends to go. She likes the added mystery!! At the end of the day, QD remains a hopeful savior whose understanding of herself is still in the works.

About QD...

Ammi: QD and I are this--she makes a hand motion that goes by too fast to see.--this close!

Hira: She's always helping people with a gentle smile on her face. It's like she never gets tired. I feel like she's sad inside.

Jay: Well, we only became friends because of weird circumstances, but it doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate what she's done for me.

Kindle: MY VEGETARIAN PAL!!!!!!!

Rhine: Savior complex, awkward, never speaks her mind, and is also a vegetarian.

Vera: He said nothing. He only stared off into the distance.
