Jasper (Jay)

Gender: M

Pronouns: he/him

Age: Don't ask me that!


Birthday: 12th of August

Favorite Food: I like marshmallows.

Favorite Drink: Is 'lava' and appropriate answer?

Favorite Color: Ecru or purple. They're both very nice colors.

Favorite Weather: Maybe a light snowfall, otherwise gentle sun. So... yes, sunny weather and snowy weather.

Favorite Possession: I'd say my wife, but that's not appropriate... It's probably... oh, this is tough. Can I get back to you on this? Oh, wait! I know! My perfumes. They're very nice. Don't tell anyone I have them, okay? Oh, I just spilt my secrets, didn't I? Don't tell anyone about the marshmallows either. Thank you.

Jay is basically a personified pillow. Gentle, kind, soft and inviting. He sees everyone as someone he must protect out of the love in his heart. When he sees some of the younger people on the Train, he can't help but be reminded of himself. This causes the Jay Effect, categorized by the intense paternal instinct and sudden interest in the lives, activities and well-beings of everyone who is younger than him (so, yes, everyone) on the Train. Jay likes to spend his time reading books about techniques in acting, being an actor himself-- and mostly a magician, thanks to QD's teachings. Don't ask. Although Jay is rarely ever angry, he does tend to dwell on his past and often ends up feeling terrible for the rest of the day. As long as he makes it home at the end of the day, however, he'll be alright.

About Jay...

Ammi: He actually listens to me! I like him.

Hira: I think him and I are the same person. We're alike in many ways.


QD: We're totally besties!!! There was that one time he blamed me for something I TOTALLY didn’t do, though.

Rhine: Jay just doesn't get angry. And plus, he's more sad than angry. Sad and a little pathetic. Have you seen how much he can drink?

Vera: He's the only person I can share a room with when I'm trying to hold in my laughter.
