
Gender: F

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 15


Birthday: June 24th

Favorite Food: it's all just fine, I guess

Favorite Drink: lemonade iced tea

Favorite Color: all of them

Favorite Weather: 72 degrees at sunset at 8pm with a warm breeze that is preferably more warm than cool, but that's already asking for quite a bit

Favorite Possession: I can't decide...

Ammi is undoubtedly one of the most mysterious people on the Train. Being 15 but also the fear in everyone's hearts, Ammi often acts unusal when met with people. Usual as in-- sadistic, terrifying, and always hinting at somebody's downfall. It's probably just her extreme social anxiety... probably. As the second purest being in the Sea, she's quite knowledgeable about everything in it. Though, she'll never tell you the exact answer to your questions. This is partially because she'd have fun knowing only she knows the answer, or because she doesn't know the answer-- and is just pretending to be smart because of her numerous insecurities. She has a knack for predicting events with extreme accuracy like she's able to see the future, but it's never there when it's most needed. Overall, she's quiet but somehow beloved by the others with a reputation for 'being honestly nicer to you if you know her better and you can handle her jokes and about everything else that comes along with her'. And, for the record: it's perfectly normal to be suspicious of her. She deserves it.

About Ammi...

Hira: Nice friend.

Jay: She's like the daughter I didn't know I wanted. I would kill and die for her.


QD: Basically my sister, so I get to say all the awful things I want about her!!!

Rhine: A highschool girl trying too hard to fit in. Definitely not an angel from Heaven.

Vera: Looks at me funny. I think she's trying too hard to get me to like her. I do, but it's still weird.